La sélection 2019 des photographies AFP pour l’opération « Regard des jeunes de 15 ans »


Du 7 au 13 octobre 2019, le Prix Bayeux Calvados-Normandie des correspondants de guerre, dont Nikon est partenaire, mettra à l’honneur les professionnels du monde entier qui se sont fixés pour mission de raconter la guerre, où qu’elle soit. A cette occasion, Nikon participe à l’opération pédagogique « Regard des jeunes de 15 ans » organisée depuis 2008 pour les collégiens et dont l’objectif est d’obtenir un regard croisé sur l’actualité. À partir d’une sélection de photographies sur l’actualité internationale de ces 12 derniers mois, réalisée par l’Agence France-Presse (AFP), les élèves de classes de 3e votent pour la photo qui symbolise pour eux le monde d’aujourd’hui.

D’abord réservée aux classes de 3e du département du Calvados, l’opération « Regard des jeunes de 15 ans » a été élargie en 2015 au territoire national, puis en 2017 aux établissements des pays européens partenaires du Calvados, et au monde entier. Un véritable regard croisé ! Découvrez la sélection ci-dessous.

AFP 1 / Saul LOEB

10 novembre 2018 – Paris – Emmanuel Macron et son homologue américain Donald Trump échangent avant leur entretien au palais de l’Élysée, en marge des commémorations du 100e anniversaire de l’armistice du 11 novembre 1918, marquant la fin de la Première guerre mondiale.

November 10, 2018 – Paris – US President Donald Trump (L) speaks with French President Emmanuel Macron prior to their meeting at the Elysee Palace, on the sidelines of commemorations marking the 100th anniversary of the 11 November 1918 armistice, ending World War I.
US President Donald Trump (L) speaks with French president Emmanuel Macron prior to their meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris, on November 10, 2018, on the sidelines of commemorations marking the 100th anniversary of the 11 November 1918 armistice, ending World War I. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP)

AFP 2 / Andreas SOLARO

15 mars 2019 – Rome – Des manifestants, dont des étudiants, brandissent des pancartes et une bâche à l’effigie de la jeune militante suédoise Greta Thunberg, lors d’une manifestation contre le réchauffement climatique dans le centre de la capitale italienne.

March 15, 2019 – Rome – People and students hold placards and a banner showing 16-year-old Swedish political activist Greta Thunberg, who seeks to stop global warming and climate change, as they take part in a protest against global warming in central Rome.
People and students hold placards and a banner showing 16-year-old Swedish political activist Greta Thunberg, who seeks to stop global warming and climate change, as they take part in a protest against global warming in central Rome on March 15, 2019. (Photo by Andreas SOLARO / AFP)

AFP 3 / Nicolas TUCAT

18 novembre 2018 – Virsac, France – Des manifestants bloquent l’accès à l’autoroute A10 près de Bordeaux, au deuxième jour de protestations qui ont rassemblées quelque 283 000 « gilets jaunes » dans toute la France contre la hausse des taxes sur le carburant et la baisse du pouvoir d’achat.

November 18, 2018 – Virsac, France – Protesters face riot police as they block the A10 motorway near Bordeaux, on a second day of demonstrations after a nationwide people’s initiated day of protests called « yellow vest » (Gilets Jaunes in French) movement against high fuel prices, which has mushroomed into a widespread protest against stagnant spending power.
Protesters face riot police as they block the A10 motorway in Virsac, near Bordeaux, southwestern France, on November 18, 2018, on a second day of demonstrations after a nationwide people's initiated day of protests called


27 janvier 2019 Wolverhampton, Angleterre – Une participante tombe dans une mare de boue lors de la Tough Guy Competition, une course d’endurance comportant 300 obstacles dont des franchissements d’eau, de feu et des traversées de tunnels.

January 27, 2019 – Wolverhampton, England – A competitor falls in a muddy pool as they take part in the Tough Guy endurance event in central England. The Tough Guy event challenges hundreds of competitors to run a gruelling course whilst negotiating up to 300 obstacles including water, fire, and tunnels.
A competitor falls in a muddy pool as they take part in the Tough Guy endurance event near Wolverhampton, central England, on January 27, 2019. - The Tough Guy event challenges hundreds of competitors to run a gruelling course whilst negotiating up to 300 obstacles including water, fire, and tunnels. (Photo by OLI SCARFF / AFP)

AFP 5 / Alexander GRIR

31 octobre 2018 – Archipel de Nouvelle-Zemble, Russie – Des ours polaires cherchent de la nourriture dans une décharge du territoire militaire du nord-est de la Russie. L’état d’urgence avait été décrété le 10 février après des cas d’attaques d’ours polaires dans la rue et de leur intrusion dans les immeubles d’habitation.

October 31, 2018 – Novaya Zemlya archipelago, Russian Federation – Polar bears feed at a garbage dump on the remote Russian northern Novaya Zemlya archipelago, a tightly-controlled military area where a village declared a state of emergency in February after dozens of bears were seen entering homes and public buildings.
A picture taken on October 31, 2018 shows polar bears feeding at a garbage dump near the village of Belushya Guba, on the remote Russian northern Novaya Zemlya archipelago, a tightly-controlled military area where a village declared a state of emergency in February after dozens of bears were seen entering homes and public buildings. - Scientists say conflicts with ice-dependent polar bears will increase in the future due to Arctic ice melting and a rise of human presence in the area as Moscow bolsters economic and military activity in the Arctic. An


19 mars 2019 – Désert saoudien – Des danseuses kyrgyzes se produisent lors d’un spectacle rassemblant bédouins et nomades du monde entier à l’occasion du Festival des chameaux du roi Abdulaziz, au nord-est de Ryad.

March 19, 2019 – Rumah desert, Saudi Arabia – Kyrgyz dancers perform in an event gathering bedouins and nomads from around the world as part of the annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Rumah desert, northeast of the Saudi capital Riyadh.
Kyrgyz dancers perform in an event gathering bedouins and nomads from around the world as part of the annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Rumah desert, northeast of the Saudi capital Riyadh, on March 19, 2019. (Photo by FAYEZ NURELDINE / AFP)

AFP 7 / Anthony WALLACE

20 mars 2019 – Christchurch, Nouvelle Zélande – Des musulmans prient devant la mosquée Al Noor entourés d’autres habitants après la célébration d’un Haka géant, à la suite de la mort de 50 fidèles tués par un suprémaciste blanc, cinq jours plus tôt à l’heure de la prière dans deux mosquées de cette île du sud de la Nouvelle Zélande.

March 20, 2019 – Christchurch, New Zealand – Muslims (front) pray in front of the Al Noor mosque while being protected by locals, moments after hundreds performed a mass haka, in Christchurch on, five days after the twin mosque shootings claimed the lives of 50 people.
Muslims (front) pray in front of the Al Noor mosque while being protected by locals, moments after hundreds performed a mass haka, in Christchurch on March 20, 2019, five days after the twin mosque shootings claimed the lives of 50 people. (Photo by Anthony WALLACE / AFP)


15 avril 2019 – Paris – La flèche et le clocher de Notre-Dame s’effondrent alors que la cathédrale est en feu. Les pompiers sont finalement parvenus à sauver la structure de l’édifice dans sa globalité.

April 15, 2019 – Paris – The steeple and spire of the Notre-Dame collapses as the cathedral is engulfed in flames. The main structure of the cathedral has been saved after hours of fire-fighting to put out a devastating blaze.
The steeple and spire of the landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral collapses as the cathedral is engulfed in flames in central Paris on April 15, 2019. - A huge fire swept through the roof of the famed Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris on April 15, 2019, sending flames and huge clouds of grey smoke billowing into the sky. The flames and smoke plumed from the spire and roof of the gothic cathedral, visited by millions of people a year. A spokesman for the cathedral told AFP that the wooden structure supporting the roof was being gutted by the blaze. (Photo by Geoffroy VAN DER HASSELT / AFP)

AFP 9 / Federico PARRA

1er mai 2019 – Caracas, Venezuela – Le journaliste de la chaine VPITV Gregory Jaimes est aidé par ses confrères après avoir été blessé lors d’affrontements entre manifestants hostiles au gouvernement et les forces de sécurité, lors des commémorations du 1er mai.

May 1, 2019 – Caracas, Venezuela – Venezuelan VPITV journalist Gregory Jaimes (C) is assisted by colleagues after being injured during clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces on the commemoration of May Day.
Venezuelan VPITV journalist Gregory Jaimes (C) is assisted by colleagues after being injured during clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces on the commemoration of May Day on May 1, 2019, after a day of violent clashes on the streets of the capital spurred by Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido's call on the military to rise up against President Nicolas Maduro. - Guaido called for a massive May Day protest to increase the pressure on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. (Photo by Federico Parra / AFP)

AFP 10 / Angela WEISS

6 mai 2019 – New York – Arrivée de la chanteuse et actrice Lady Gaga au gala du Met dont le thème est le « Camp », thème de la nouvelle exposition du Metropolitan Museum of Art.

May 6, 2019 – New York – Singer/actress Lady Gaga arrives for the Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Gala’s 2019 theme is « Camp: Notes on Fashion » inspired by Susan Sontag’s 1964 essay « Notes on Camp ».
Singer/actress Lady Gaga arrives for the 2019 Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 6, 2019, in New York. - The Gala raises money for the Metropolitan Museum of Artís Costume Institute. The Gala's 2019 theme is ìCamp: Notes on Fashion

AFP 11 / Pedro PARDO

25 novembre 2018 – Tijuana, Mexique – Des migrants d’Amérique centrale franchissent le mur séparant le Mexique des États-Unis, à proximité du poste frontière d’El Chaparral.

November 25, 2018 – Tijuana, Mexico – A group of Central American migrants climb the border fence between Mexico and the United States, near El Chaparral border crossing, in Tijuana, Baja California State, Mexico.
A group of Central American migrants climb the border fence between Mexico and the United States, near El Chaparral border crossing, in Tijuana, Baja California State, Mexico, on November 25, 2018. - Hundreds of migrants attempted to storm a border fence separating Mexico from the US on Sunday amid mounting fears they will be kept in Mexico while their applications for a asylum are processed. An AFP photographer said the migrants broke away from a peaceful march at a border bridge and tried to climb over a metal border barrier in the attempt to enter the United States. (Photo by Pedro PARDO / AFP)


5 juin 2019 – Sannerville, France – Des hommes habillés en GIs regardent les parachutistes britanniques de la 16e brigade d’assaut et leurs homologues français du 11e régiment parachutiste effectuer un saut au-dessus de Sannerville, à la veille des commémorations du 75e anniversaire du Débarquement allié sur les plages de Normandie.

June 5, 2019 – Sannerville, France – Men dressed as US GIs look at paratroopers from Britain’s 16th Air Assault Brigade and France’s 11th Parachute Brigade performing a jump over Sannerville, north-western France, prior to D-Day commemorations marking the 75th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy.
Men dressed as US GIs look at paratroopers from Britain's 16 Air Assault Brigade and France's 11th Parachute Brigade performing a jump over Sannerville, north-western France, on June 5, 2019, prior to D-Day commemorations marking the 75th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy. (Photo by Fred TANNEAU / AFP)

AFP 13 / Hector RETAMAL

16 juin 2019 – Hong Kong – Cette image réalisée en vitesse lente montre des milliers de Hongkongais manifestant contre le projet de loi d’extradition vers la Chine continentale.

June 16, 2019 – Hong Kong – This slow shutter image shows thousands of protesters taking part in a new rally against a controversial extradition law proposal to mainland China.
This slow shutter image shows thousands of protesters taking part in a new rally against a controversial extradition law proposal in Hong Kong on June 16, 2019. - Hundreds of thousands of protesters choked Hong Kong's streets for a second straight on June 16 in a defiant rebuke of a reviled extradition law, piling pressure on the city's embattled pro-Beijing leader despite a weekend climbdown. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL / AFP) / ìThe erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by HECTOR RETAMAL has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [slow shutter] instead of [show shutter]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.î

AFP 14 / Bulent KILIC

17 février 2019 – Hasakah, Syrie – D’anciennes combattantes de l’El et épouses de djihadistes détenues dans le camp d’Al Hol, se déplacent sous l’escorte d’une combattante des Forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS).

February 17, 2019 – Hasakah, Syria – Women who used to be IS (Islamic State) members and wives of IS members walk as a female fighter of SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) follow them closely as they walk in the Al Hol camp, on the outskirts of Hasakah.
Women who are used to be IS (Islamic State) members and wives of IS members walk as a female fighter of SDF(Syrian Democratic Forces) fallow them closely as they travel in the Al Hol camp outskirts of Hasakah on February 17, 2019. AFP/BULENT KILIC

AFP 15 / Vincenzo PINTO

28 juin 2019 – Gênes, Italie – Les deux principales piles de ce qui reste du pont de Gênes, dont l’effondrement avait fait 43 morts en août 2018, sont détruites à l’explosif pour permettre la reconstruction d’une nouvelle infrastructure.

June 28, 2019 – Genoa, Italy – Explosive charges blow up the eastern pylons of Genoa’s Morandi motorway bridge. Some of the remains of Genoa’s Morandi motorway bridge are set to be destroyed on June 28 almost eleven months after its partial collapse during a storm killed 43 people and injured dozens.
Explosive charges blow up the eastern pylons of Genoa's Morandi motorway bridge on June 28, 2019 in Genoa. - Some of the remains of Genoa's Morandi motorway bridge are set to be destroyed on June 28 almost eleven months after its partial collapse during a storm killed 43 people and injured dozens. (Photo by Vincenzo PINTO / AFP)

AFP 16 / Franck FIFE

28 juin 2019 – Paris – La capitaine et avant-centre des États-Unis Megan Rapinoe fête son but marqué contre la France, lors des quarts de finale de la Coupe du monde féminine de football. Les États-Unis deviennent championnes du monde en battant les Pays-Bas 2-0.

June 28, 2019 – Paris – United States’ forward Megan Rapinoe celebrates scoring her team’s first goal versus France in the Women’s World Cup quarter-final football match. The US team defeated the Nethelands 2-0 in the final.
United States' forward Megan Rapinoe celebrates scoring her team's first goal during the France 2019 Women's World Cup quarter-final football match between France and United States, on June 28, 2019, at the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris. (Photo by FRANCK FIFE / AFP)


8 juillet 2019 – Pampelune, Espagne – Une génisse entre dans l’arène en sautant par-dessus les participants du festival de San Fermin.

July 8, 2019 – Pamplona, Spain – A heifer jumps over revellers in the bullring during the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain.
A heifer jumps over revellers in the bullring after the second bullrun the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain on July 8, 2019. - On each day of the festival six bulls are released at 8:00 a.m. (0600 GMT) to run from their corral through the narrow, cobbled streets of the old town over an 850-meter (yard) course. Ahead of them are the runners, who try to stay close to the bulls without falling over or being gored. (Photo by ANDER GILLENEA / AFP)

AFP 18 / Anne-Christine POUJOULAT

9 juillet 2019 – France – Des spectateurs se rafraichissent dans une piscine gonflable au passage du peloton, lors de la 106e édition du Tour de France, entre Reims et Nancy.

July 9, 2019 – France – Spectators refresh themselves in a swimming pool as they watch cyclists riding during the fourth stage of the 106th edition of the Tour de France cycling race between Reims and Nancy, eastern France.
Spectators refresh themselves in a swimming pool as they watch cyclists riding during the fourth stage of the 106th edition of the Tour de France cycling race between Reims and Nancy, eastern France, on July 9, 2019. (Photo by Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP)

AFP 19 / Ludovic MARIN

14 juillet 2019 – Paris – Le champion du monde de jet-ski français Franky Zapata vole debout, fusil en main, plusieurs dizaines de mètres au-dessus des Champs-Élysées sur son « Flyboard », un engin de son invention, propulsé par cinq mini-réacteurs.

July 14, 2019 – Paris – French inventor and entrepreneur Franky Zapata flies a jet-powered hoverboard or « Flyboard » above the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day.
Zapata CEO Franky Zapata flies a jet-powered hoverboard or

AFP 20 / Luis TATO

16 avril 2019 – Réserve pastorale de Kachia, Nigeria – Le jeune peul Suleiman Usuf, âgé de 8 ans, boit au pis d’une vache appartenant au troupeau de son père. Les Peuls sont des éleveurs et nomades qui se déplacent avec leur bétail au rythme des saisons.

April 16, 2019 – Kachia Grazing Reserve, Nigeria – Eight-year-old Fulani boy Suleiman Yusuf drinks milk from a cow belonging to his father cattle. The Fulani are pastoral herders who migrate with their cattle, following the pendulum swing of the seasons.
8-year-old Fulani boy Suleiman Yusuf drinks milk from a cow belonging to his father cattle near his family's house at Kachia Grazing Reserve, Kaduna State, Nigeria on April 16, 2019. Kachia Grazing Reserve is an area set aside for the use of Fulani pastoralist and it is intended to be the foci of livestock development. The purpose for the grazing reserves is the settlement of nomadic pastoralists and inducement to sedentarization through the provision of land for grazing and permanent water as way to avoid conflict. AFP PHOTO / LUIS TATO

Quelle est selon vous la photographie AFP de l’année ? Partagez en commentaire ci-dessous votre choix et ses raisons.

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  1. Caffin Jacques dit :

    Mon vote AFP 5 Alexcender GRIR .
    Des photos surprenantes et informatives que nous prenons plaisir à découvrir, comme avec les grands reporters des hebdomadaires Paris Math et autres dans les années 80. Une information visuelle qui manque de nos jours

  2. Juliette Leroi dit :

    Magnifique instants d’actualité avec des images qui « valent mieux que mille mots ». Admiration et respect pour les auteurs de ses prises.
    Je vote pour Alexander GRIR AFP 5 pour cette mise au point qui résume à elle seule, en retrait du tumulte des hommes l’état d’urgence dans lequel nous vivons.

  3. Borme dit :

    Mon vote sera AFP 12 / Fred TANNEAU
    j’ai vraiment l’ mpression de voir une ancienne photo de la seconde guerre mondiale colorisée ! On ressent bien l’ambiance qu’il devait y avoir le Jour J! C’est une page de l’ Histoire qui s’écriva ce jour là!

    Toutes les autres photos sont également très marquantes, pleines d’émotions et d’histoires.

  4. Lenoël David dit :

    Mon vote : AFP 5
    Cette image représente parfaitement le réchauffement climatique et Alexender GRIR c’est déplacé pour photographier des ours polaires

  5. Valentin lebailly dit :

    Mon vote et AFP 6

    • Lebouteiller lisa dit :

      Mon vote : AFP 5
      Cette image présente bien l’actualité, le réchauffement climatique et la pollution, dramatique pour les ours

  6. isabella dit :

    mon vote serait afp 2. On peut voir de nombreux jeunes ce qui nous pousse tous à agir pour le climat

  7. Géraud dit :

    AFP12: je l’adore pour son symbole

  8. Serge Andrieux dit :

    Mon vote AFP 5 Alexcender GRIR .
    Surprenante photo, mais j’ai peur pour notre planète. AFP 11 et AFP 20 également.

  9. ANDRE LESSARD dit :

    Photos surprenantes